Renfrewshire Region of Charges - Climate Crisis initiative
Glasgow Diocesan Crest

United Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway

<Climate Crisis image
Scottish Episcopal Church Crest

Personal Responses

This page lists responses made by individuals, families, households and groups across our two Charges. If you would like yur response added just send your items to the Rector for inclusion.

A Response from XYZ - 10 Points of Guidance

1.Seeking to reduce energy use in all our buildings and moving from oil/gas to electricity where possible Charge response: Response text in here
2.Implementing renewable energy solutions such as heat pumps and solar power on our property Charge response: Response text in here
3.Using less polluting forms of transport, moving to electric or hybrid cars, car sharing, wherever possible walking or cycling Charge response: Response text in here
4.Developing wildlife conservation schemes in our land Charge response: Response text in here
5.Using Fair Trade, environment-and animal-friendly products wherever possible Charge response: Response text in here
6.Reducing waste by composting and recycling as much of it as possible Charge response: Response text in here
7.Reducing paper usage (and then only using recycled paper) Charge response: Response text in here
8.Using online meetings often, but balanced with our need for human contact and Christian fellowship Charge response: Response text in here
9.Disseminating information on good practice, and seeking expert advice, practical help, and funding possibilities Charge response: Response text in here
10.Promoting sustainability through our preaching, liturgy and teaching, and setting a good example Charge response: Response text in here
Our dedicated Vestry Climate Advocate is : Mx Saviour Two
Other points/comments: Response: Response text in here
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