Joint Charges of St Johns Johnstone and St Margarets Renfrew
Glasgow Diocesan Crest

The Scottish Episcopal Church - United diocese of Glasgow and Galloway

Lent 2021
Scottish Episcopal Church Crest
Ash Wednesday

Welcome to Lent 2021
In this season of Lent as we begin together and yet isolated, this page will help us to see what we are doing in our homes to keep this season as we are physically apart. On Ash Wednesday we will not receive the sign of the cross on our foreheads but we have received in the post a bookmark with the ash cross on it for a reminder that we are together in our prayer and lenten observances.
The Bishop's Lent Appeal with year is for Aberlour Childrens Charity and it would be good to have a look at their website to find out what amazing and vital work they do with young people in Scotland. You can find their website at
If you would like a picture or some words included from your Lenten observance please send them through to the Rector by email, whatsapp, text, .... or on our Facebook pages too.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday
17 February 2021 - the start of Lent
"Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return
Repent and believe the Gospel"
Ash Wednesday
The Collect for Ash Wednesday
Almighty and everlasting God,
you despise nothing you have made
and forgive the sins of all who are penitent.
Create and make in us new and contrite hearts,
that we, worthily lamenting our sins
and acknowledging our brokenness,
may obtain of you, the God of all mercy,
perfect remission and forgiveness;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen
Introduction to the season
Dear friends in Christ, as we begin the season of Lent we are reminded that, in our Christian lives, we seek to realise the death of Jesus so that God may be glorified in our worship and through our witness in the world.
Saint Paul writes of ‘carrying around the death of Jesus in our bodies, so that the life of Jesus may be clearly shown in our bodies’ (2 Cor 4. 10).
It is through baptism that we die into Christ’s death (Rom 6. 3–4) so that we may share in his resurrection. In beginning our Lenten observance, we are therefore reminded of our baptism, and how Christ’s death on the cross may clearly be shown in our lives.
We now come before God in penitence, reflecting on our life in Christ. We pledge ourselves to observe this season of self-examination, discipline, and self-denial with sincerity, prayer, and reverent reflection on holy Scripture, seeking God’s purpose for us, and modelling our lives on the example of Christ Jesus.
From:- Reuben
Beginning Lent - Kilted Fridays and more
Many of you have called or emailed me to say thank you for the ash cross bookmarks and I am glad you will use them in your reading and prayer during the coming season. It is always good to have something tangible to have as an aid to our devotion and study.

Some have said that they are starting to look for bits of tartan to wear on a Tuesday, whilst I know that some of the kilt owners are getting them ready for Friday - we shall look forward to seeing the pictures as they come flooding in.
Here is mine for a start as I took a selfie before Morning Prayer being streamed on Ash Wednesday morning in St Gariel's Oratory aka my attic and place of all things zoom!
Reuben in a kilt -
Collecting for Aberlour -
and just so that we never forget to drop a coin or note in as we sit down to eat, here is our prayer singing bowl that is being used to contain all the donations we are making to Aberlour this Lent
Lenten Quiz to get you going

Find the questions and answers below, and you can download a Quiz Powerpoint – complete with questions, answers and images – from Anglican Youth Ministries.


  1. How many days are counted in lent?
    1. 30
    2. 40
    3. 46
  2. What colour is traditionally associated with the lent season?
    1. Green
    2. Purple
    3. White
  3. Which day of the week is NOT included in the lent season?
    1. Friday
    2. Saturday
    3. Sunday
  4. The main reason Christians give up coffee, chocolate or Facebook during lent is:
    1. Because they are bad for you
    2. To make space for Jesus
    3. To save money to donate
  5. Some Catholic countries give up eating what during lent?
    1. Meat
    2. Shellfish
    3. Chocolate
  6. Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday commemorates what?
    1. Jesus trials
    2. The last supper
    3. Jesus’ execution
  7. What food is often eaten on Shrove Tuesday?
    1. Shroves
    2. Pancakes
    3. Bread and wine
  8. What is traditionally done on Ash Wednesday?
    1. A cricket match between Australia and England
    2. Clean out the chimney
    3. Put ashes on your forehead
  9. On Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on what?
    1. A horse and cart
    2. The shoulders of his disciples
    3. A donkey
  10. What word is not meant to be said or sung during Lent?
    1. Alleluia
    2. Amen
    3. Jesus
  11. The Wednesday before Easter is called Holy Wednesday, but is also sometimes called:
    1. Easter Wednesday
    2. Spy Wednesday
    3. It doesn’t have another name


  1. B – Jesus spent 40 days fasting and being tempted in the desert.
  2. B – Purple means both sorrow (because we do wrong) and royalty.
  3. C – Sunday, because the Lord’s day cannot be a day of fasting.
  4. B – to make space for Jesus
  5. B – Meat
  6. B – The Last Supper
  7. B – Pancakes. On Shrove Tuesday, people used up all their rich food (eggs, butter) to prepare for the limited meals and fasting during lent. ‘Shrive’ means to confess, they were encouraged to say sorry to God before the beginning of lent.
  8. C – Put ashes on your forehead. The ashes are often from the burnt remains of last year’s palm crosses.
  9. C – Donkeys were viewed as animals of peace while horses were viewed as animals of war.
  10. A – Alleluia. This exclamation of praise was not said so it would remain special and used to celebrate and praise God on Easter Sunday.
  11. B – Spy Wednesday, because Judas spied on Jesus and his disciples in the garden of Gethsemane.

Monthly Newsletter download: October Newsletter for St Johns and St Margarets
Weekly downloads: PEWSHEET - Weekly INTERCESSIONS - GOSPEL Reflection
Archive of previous weeks downloadable resources - Archive of our ONLINE SERVICES
Daily Prayer in the Scottish Episcopal Church is an important part of our spiritual life and can be followed here
LGBT rainbow Bible and Cross and hand
We are churches of all sorts of families and households. There are people who come to church alone, with friends, with partners, wives, husbands.....and their dog. The Scottish Episcopal Church welcomes people of all sexualities, discovering who we are is a life-long process for all of us. Both of the churches in this United Benefice welcome LGBT people, their friends and partners. We have worked hard at being a safe space for people to come and discover the depth of their faith, to feed on the jewels of the scriptures and feast on the sacraments. Same-sex couples can be married in both churches too. Come and join us with your household to find out more about belonging in the Scottish Episcopal Church - you are welcome!
LGBT peopleLGBT people