St John the Evangelist Church, Floors Street, Johnstone PA5 8QS
Glasgow Diocesan Crest

The Scottish Episcopal Church - United Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway

Welcome to St John the Evangelist Church

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Scottish Episcopal Church Crest


Our dedication to God in Christ Jesus is neccessary through our words and our actions. Giving, financial giving, is a way we can express our devotion to Jesus Christ and his Church.

At the moment we receive gifts for the mission and ministry of St Johns by cheque payable to "St Johns Church Johnstone" or by cash in the church collections.

Standing Order forms are also available in church if you can support the work by regular giving.

BACS gifts can be sent to the church account as follows:-
Bank of Scotland account name "St John the Evalgelist Episcopal Church"
Sort Code 80-16-53
Account Number 00356544

Thank you

Daily Prayer in the Scottish Episcopal Church is an important part of our spiritual life and can be followed here